Week 11 Journal

I haven’t done much this week besides order the microphones and research some codes that we code use to control the mic. One aspect I am unsure about is the need for an external sensitivity knob to set a threshold before the mic sends a signal.  I see many mics being sold with a sensitivity knob but figured Arduino could regulate the sound sensitivity.

This is the code that will basically get the job done.


I also am searching for a code that can  send different signals to the LEDS based off the level Arduino is receiving from the microphone..


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One Response to Week 11 Journal

  1. Frank Mason says:

    That sounds like a pretty neat idea, when you think about it, you will need a regulator given all the loud creatures known as New Yorkers. When you walk into a room or are in an open area with the potential for exposure to many (and possibly loud) sources of noise, you need to at least establish a limit so that you have some control over when and how your suit will light up.

    But after you reach this threshold for sending signals, will there be a regulator to limit how much noise can be outputted? I ask cause just as have you a threshold for when your mic sends a signal, if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, you could possibly overload your mic if the decibel goes too high and too many signals are sent to your suit at once.

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