Week 10 Journal Entry

This week, we began to test out the quad rotor. We learned that after fully charging the battery for 45 minutes, the quad rotor can fly for only 10 minutes before needing a recharge. We learned that every time the battery is switched out, the controller has to be calibrated to work with the quad rotor. We learned that the camera has both a photography and video mode.

The next step for me is to continue learning the controls on the controller. I will also look at purchasing an arduino board that fits with what we are trying to do with the quad rotor. I’m also looking into creating an app to control the quad rotor.

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2 Responses to Week 10 Journal Entry

  1. Yaro says:

    I was surprised by the quality of the video! Very decent for such a small camera. Was it HD, or just a very good SD?

  2. Frank Mason says:

    Wow, so how are you gonna try and create an app to control the quad rotor? That would be really impressive.
    But for the power issue, have you guys considered attaching a second power source to give it more life or might that be exerting too much weight on the quad rotor? I ask cause from what I have seen in class, it does not seem as though it can support much weight.

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