Entry 8

I wasn’t able to actually go see Christopher Stapleton because I had work. However, after visiting his website, i realized that this would have been a good time to call off work. What I got from his website was that he is very interested in changing the way we interact with things in general. An example being Experiential Media, which seeks to make people actively interact with or as it’s listed on the website”It is now a critical tool in engaging the hearts and minds of the next generation of consumer of entertainment, education, training and marketing who have become desensitized to the traditional bombardment of passive media” I didn’t just pick that out because it sounded fancy (ok, maybe a little). For me that personally hits home especially in the area of education. Kids these days have even lesser attention spans. While they may be eventually attentive(after a tranquilizer shot or seven), that doesn’t mean they retain anything they are attending to because they are passively learning. However, with what Chris Stapleton is developing, kids can be actively learning which helps them retain better. Then we’ll have smarter kids, who would build smarter devices, and would…try to……rule the world…..?

Hmmm….I may have jumped on Chris Stapleton’s bandwagon a tad early. Allow me to think it through.

About rusnuvol

I'm tall.
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