Journal Entry 4 – Ahmad Woods

Browsing through the maker faire I try to find to pertains to the ideas I have for the class project I am thinking of to report about. Unfortunately nothing of the sort exists there; no one seems to like arcade sticks.

I did however came across a ton of interesting projects as you would expect ranging from serious to the not so serious. I choose to write about one of those not so serious maker faire endeavours.

Lady’s and gentlemen I present the Play-A-Grill

Your eyes do not deceive you this is in fact a grill, mouth jewellery you see in hip hop videos, that plays music. Yes this is a pretty zany concept but at this point you maybe asking yourselves what separates this thing from other music players other the the obvious. Well notice the complete lack of headphones coming from this person’s mouth.

The intriguing thing to me about this is that it “transmits sound through bone conduction instead of outside speakers or headphones.” Now you can really say *put shades on*  you were feelin’ that track. YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAH.

Seriously I think there’s some potential in this concept to be able to hear full songs exclusively though vibrations can be extremely cool and help with the deaf.

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2 Responses to Journal Entry 4 – Ahmad Woods

  1. Philip Zak says:

    Aside from the thing looking completely ridiculous. I agree, this thing can be very beneficial to the deaf community. Obviously, some deaf people maybe against it, but I think a device like this will make deaf people feel more connected with non-deaf people.

  2. Ahmad Woods says:

    Yeah totally. Music is a pretty precious gift so death people should be able to enjoy. Of course there’s more practical applications too potentially.

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