Monthly Archives: March 2015

Game Reserve Park, Lyonel Narcisse

I choose to talk about is Etosha National Park it’s located in the vast arid space of Northern Namibia lies one of Southern Africa’s best loved wildlife sanctuaries. Etosha National Park offers excellent game viewing in one of Africa’s most accessible venues. Zebra and springbok are scattered across the endless horizon, while the many waterholes attract endangered black rhinoceros, lion, elephant and large numbers of antelope.

Etosha, meaning ‘place of dry water’, is encloses a huge, flat calcrete depression (or pan) of about 5 000km². The ‘Pan’ provides a great, parched, silver-white backdrop of shimmering mirages to an area of semi-arid savannah grassland and thorn scrub. The pan itself contains water only after very good rains and sometimes for only a few days each year, but is enough to stimulate the growth of a blue-green algae which lures thousands of flamingos.

Ndumo Game Reserve

The game reserve that I choose to talk about it the Ndumo Game Reserve; this is a small South African game reserve located in the far northeast district of KwaZulu-Natal known as Maputaland. This game reserve shared border with Mozambique, where the Pongola River joins the Great Usutu River. It is adjacent to the Tembe Elephant Park. Ndumo is a remote area; its closest major city of Durban is roughly 250 miles away.  Or closest town of Mkuze is 68 miles away.


Ndumo hosts a diverse range of habitats including sand forest, dense riverine forest, flood plains, alluvial plains, reedbeds, grassland, broad-leaved and acacia woodlands and extremely dense thornveld. Ndumo is popular for its birdlife and despite its small size; the reserve has recorded in excess of 430 bird species including residents and seasonal migrants. The park’s abundance of pans, flood plains and rivers (Pongola & Usutu) provide suitable habitat for many aquatic species. The Maputaland area in general is relatively rich in bird life due to the ecosystem diversity as well as its geographical location: the area forms the southernmost range for a great many eastern and north-eastern African bird species. This game reserve received a high amount of rain fall annual.

Ndumo is home to many sought-after bird species such as: Pel’s Fishing Owl, Narina Trogon, African Broadbill, Eastern Nicator (formerly “Yellow-spotted Nicator” but this name is now given to another bird, the Western Nicator), African Cuckoo-Hawk, Large mammals found in Ndumo include Nyala, Hippopotamus, Nile Crocodile, Impala and Cape Buffalo.  While Elephants are been host at the neighboring Tembe Elephant Park. As with all parts of Maputaland, malaria is endemic and visitors are advised to take the proper precautions. There is an Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife campsite and hutted camp. Wilderness Safaris run a luxury tented safari camp. This park is to be included into the: Usuthu-Tembe-Futi Trans frontier Conservation Area.

by Carl Harrison

Game Reserves – Djuma Game Reserve

The reserve is named from the Shangaan word meaning “roar of the lion” – just one of the big 5 game animals you’ll find on our doorstep. Djuma Private Game Reserve forms part of the privatised Sabi Sand Game Reserve, bordering on the famous Kruger National Park. There are no dividing fences between Djuma, Sabi Sand and the great trans-frontier national park, blending Djuma’s own 7000 hectares into a magnificent ecosystem that wraps around the eastern corner of South Africa.

Djuma Private Game Reserve recognises and embraces the important role it plays in the overall conservation of its environment. Every effort is made to maximise the preservation of our environment by practising responsible management techniques that protect and enhance the area for future generations. We aim to help secure the long-term sustainability of the South African tourism industry and are aligned with the Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa organisation.

The reserve enjoys a wealth of diverse wildlife, at ease in their natural and undisturbed surroundings. Visitors to Djuma are treated to some of the best game-viewing opportunities Africa has to offer, without compromising on luxury, fine dining and relaxation. Best of all, Djuma offers a team of long serving and dedicated staff that have made it famous for its friendly and professional service.

Aviarios del Caribe

Aviarios del Caribe
Aviarios del Caribe is a private natural reserve in the Costa Rica. Because of its proximity to the Caribbean the flora and fauna is very unique. This reserve is about 88 hectares and provides refuge to a wide variety of animals and plants such as: sloth, monkeys, caiman, turtles and also is home of 255 bird species. This reserve is also known as the “Sloth Sanctuary” focuses mostly in the protection of these mammals, because its vulnerability. The sloths are very slow animals that maximize the use of its energy and have a very specific life style that it is all about saving energy.

Sloth Santuary
Aviarios pics
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