Schedule of Quizzes



Topic Quiz


Chapter Date/Time


1/29at 9am Introduction: Issues in Child Development 1 1 2/7 at 9am[1]
1/29 at 9am Theories of Development 2 2 2/14 t 9am[2]
2/7 at 9am How we Study Development 3 3 2/19 at 9am
2/19 at 9am How Children Develop: Nature through Nurture 4 4 2/28 at 9am
2/28 at 9am Prenatal Development: Birth and the Newborn 5 5 3/7 at 9am
3/5 at 9am Physical Development: The Body and the Brain 6 6 3/12 at 9am
3/12 at 9am Cognitive Development 7 7 3/26 at 9am
3/26 at 9am Language Development 8 9 4/11 at 9am
4/11 at 9am Emotional Development and Attachment 9 10 4/16 at 9am
4/16 at 9am Identity: The Self, Gender, and Moral Development 10 11 5/7 at 9am

[1] There is no in-class lecture for this class.

[2] This is the ONLY class where the quiz is due after the lecture.  Future quizzes are due BEFORE in-class lectures.