Rob Ostrom | OL02 | Fall 2021

Memory Keeper of Vacations

Many unfamiliar faces of friends from an online game

The cold breeze that comes rushing in during every step of the way

The voices of people laughing and singing during karaoke

Music blasting through the speakers of the karaoke room

The smell of freshly made French fries and alcohol

Everyone taking tequila shots as it burned their throats

They all start reaching for the French fries to ease the pain away

Many sang with screeches while some were in sync with the lyrics

Some danced while singing while others stared and started recording

The waiter coming in to ask if anyone wanted more refills

Everyone started getting refills on the alcoholic drinks that were ordered before

Most started singing while drunk slurring every word in the lyric

The room started to smell like sweat after awhile

Soon everyone had to leave before the place closed

1 Comment

  1. Rob Ostrom

    Beautiful work, Sammy! Captures the nostalgic feelings for vacation so well.
    “Music blasting through the speakers of the karaoke room/ The smell of freshly made French fries and alcohol…” Lovely.

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