Join us for Open Pedagogy: Getting Hands-On with Research Projects on the OpenLab

Remember to bring your devices on Thursday — hopefully one a little less dated than this. (Image by Javier Carcamo)

Getting Hands-On with Research Projects on the OpenLab
Thursday, April 7th, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (N227)

Refreshments will be served.… Continue reading this post

Recap: The OpenLab at City Tech Tech Day

(Blogger Mandy Mei presents her work on The Buzz. Other OpenLab presenters at City Tech Tech day included, from left to right, Anna Matthews, Laura Westengard, and Tanya Goetz. Image by Kevin Rajaram.) 

On Wednesday, March 30th, the OpenLab presented a session at City Tech Tech Day entitled “City Tech’s OpenLab: Innovations in Teaching, Learning, and Collaboration.”… Continue reading this post

Recap: Exploring Research Projects on the OpenLab

Last week’s Open Pedagogy event, Exploring Research Projects on the OpenLab, was a great success, with lots of time for faculty members to explore opportunities for collaboration and research on the site. Attendees agreed on their interest in research design that sends students into the world to investigate a question, followed by opportunities to share and discuss their findings on the OpenLab.… Continue reading this post

Open Pedagogy: Exploring Research Projects on the OpenLab





Please join us for our next Open Pedagogy event:

Exploring Research Projects on the OpenLab 
Thursday, March 17, 5:00-6:30pm (N227)

Interested in learning more about how the OpenLab can support your research? Previous events have focused on courses, but we’re seeing more research projects appear on the OpenLab.… Continue reading this post

Photography on The Buzz: Artwork by City Tech’s Very Own Student Photo-Bloggers

Have you seen the beautiful photography taken by our student photo-bloggers and featured on The Buzz? If not, the work is a must-see. Check out examples of segments from the team members’ posts below, and make sure to follow the site for more!… Continue reading this post

Open Pedagogy workshop with the Living Lab General Education Fellows

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On Friday, the Living Lab General Education Fellows gathered for an Open Pedagogy workshop hosted by Prof. Karen Goodlad, Prof. Nora Almeida, and the OpenLab Community Team. Fellows discussed student skill development for information literacy, brainstormed open pedagogy strategies in the classroom, and even got to play the famous OpenLab open pedagogy game.… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: November 4th Edition


(image by Sean MacEntee via Creative Commons Liscence)

This week we wanted to run through a couple of plugins that do very specific, very useful things.



This very simple plugin can do wonders to organize a site with multiple users, just by making sure users don’t forget to pick a category.… Continue reading this post

This Week in the OpenLab: October 19th Edition

Recently a few questions have come to us about the Prezi WP plug-in, which allows you to embed a Prezi presentation into a page or post. Here’s a handy guide. Much thanks to Boone Gorges for creating this, and the team over at the Cuny Academic Commons for some of the language here.

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This Week in the OpenLab: October 14th Edition

We have an active Twitter plugin for the OpenLab, which will allow tweets to appear on your site and posts to automatically be turned into tweets. There are a few steps to the set up and one step (number 5 below) that is a bit counterintuitive, but once it’s set up, it can work perfectly.… Continue reading this post