Week 4 assessment of the Respiratory System

Week 4           Lecture: Assessment of the Respiratory system    

  1. Review of anatomy & physiology
  2. Changes with age
  3. Techniques of examination
  4. Simulation and Practice of the skill
  5. Screening for health promotion for

Special Considerations                                                         

  1. Health Promotion
  2. Lifespan
  3. Psychosocial
  4. Cultural/Environmental assessment

Documentation of findings

  1. Inspection of the thorax
  2. Assessment: respirations-rate, pattern, depth, symmetry
  3. Palpation of the thorax for crepitus, tactile fremitus
  4. Percussion of the thorax for hyper-resonance, dullness
  5. Auscultation of breath sounds
  6. Identification of adventitious breath sounds

                        Laboratory: Assessment of Thorax and Lungs