Highlights from Seminar 2: Selecting resources & Licensing

Following up here with documentation relevant to today’s seminar. Also, if you’d like assistance embedding a CC license into the footer of your OER site, see the OpenLab workshop/office hours and/or check out the resources on the “Help” tab on the OpenLab’s main menu.

  1. Lecture slides from the second seminar are available here.
  2. Download the seminar activity worksheet
  3. Fellows mentioned several digital resources that can be useful for finding course content
    picture of group notes
  4. Notes for adopting existing resources and creating your own resourcespicture of group notes
  5. Diagramming what “category” our resources fall into (based on worksheet)…yay no copyright violations here!picture of group notes


Highlights from Seminar 1: OER Fundamentals

Great working with everyone today! Following up with a couple threads that seem useful to document here.

Slides from the first seminar are available here.

Below are some notes we generated on what makes a successful OER and some things to watch out for as we search for resources to use and begin to generate our own OERs.

picture of group notes

picture of group notes

picture of group notes

See you all next Friday!