My strengths as an individual are strengths that are a culmination of all the support I have received in my life and my education as well as the effort I have put into becoming a registered nurse.

I have never been lead to believe that there are limitations to my efforts. Therefore I am a believer that hard work will undoubtedly translate into success. This belief is a strength of mine as it motivates me to stay determined and work hard for whatever goals I may set for myself. In relation to Bandura’s theory of self-efficacy, I have been fortunate enough to believe in my ability to succeed and this in turn translates positively into how I approach my goals, tasks, and challenges.

I am also skilled in eloquence and articulation. I always try to provide explanations utilizing a breakdown of specific points following a coherent sequence. Part of successful and eloquent articulation is being respectful, regardless of who your audience is or what your goal in communication may be.

Another strength of mine is being open-minded. In any situation where conflict or tension arises, I always try to understand where others are coming from. Being open-minded is a strength because it leads me to make efforts to understand why others say and feel as they do which is crucial in being able to progress towards compromise and conflict resolution. A saying that strongly resonates with me is “to each their own”. I am open-minded also because I believe most people do not mean to be cruel or thoughtless, but rather their ill-will is a result of what has happened to them in their lives.