Course Description: Students will develop skills to critically read, analyze, and use knowledge gained from the course to inform practice. Students are introduced to frameworks to critique research studies in the quantitative and qualitative traditions. Students are required to conduct literature searches on assigned topics and to critique nursing studies focusing on clinical nursing research, including Evidence Based Practice. The course will explore the ethical issues involved in nursing research, how nursing theory and other disciplinary theories intertwine with nursing research. In addition to theory,theoretical and conceptual frameworks will be studied.
Course Objectives:
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Use critical thinking strategies when incorporating knowledge gained from nursing, humanities as well as the biological and social sciences in evaluating nursing research.
- Develop information literacy skills to access the best available evidence.
- Describe the various methodologies and communication strategies available to integrate/disseminate evidence into practice, into health care organizations and into the public domain.
- Utilize nursing research findings to inform decision-making in the context of Nursing practice.
- Describe the collaborative role of the nurse within the context of Nursing research.
- Identify the role of the nurse as participants and consumers of Nursing research.
- Examine the methodologies involved in the research process and the methodologies relationship to Evidence-Based Practice.
- Describe the legal and ethical issues inherent in conducting nursing research/studies.
- Engage in research activities to promote personal and professional growth development to support a goal of life-long learning
- Examine trends, issues, regulations and health policies affecting the development of Evidence-Based Practice for the profession.
General Education Outcomes:
- Knowledge –Develop Knowledge from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives, and develop the ability to deepen and continue learning.
- Skills– Acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work.
- Values, ethics and relationships – Understand and apply values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic and cultural/global domains.
- Integration– Work productively within and across disciplines.