Ethics Assignment | Part 2

2. a) Property is imagining something tangible like real/ personal property. The copyright information, trademarks, and patents have helped me as a designer because it has given me insight on correctly documenting/ the importance of property information. Each body of law protects different types of work and it’s worth learning the differences between them before determining whether you qualify for protection. I’ve used another’s creative work even though I alter the final new product, it’s always good to give/ leave credentials to what inspired it. Throughout the internship course, I’ve been learning about the importance of networking, better designing skills, and negotiating my worth & protection. 

b) After reading the Feiry Copyright case my reason as to why I said leaving credentials of inspiration could have avoided that confusion. An artist name Shepard Feiry used a photo taken of Barack Obama but made his adjustments/ alterations. As that picture began to become more iconic throughout the campaign, the original picture owner turned it into a bitter copyright battle. Even though it was all a huge misunderstanding with Mr.Feiry and the Press, inspiration credentials are important so things like this could be avoided. I agree with their outcome of just sharing the rights to make posters and merchandise bearing the image. This case showed the importance of fair compensation for those who gather and produce original news content.


Spanish: Ethics Assignment Part

French: Ethics Assignment Part

Author: N'Kaya Renford

As a self-taught artist, I'm open to creating anything in & out of my comfort zone. As a graphic designer, I help bring your brands' visions to life by designing aesthetic and compelling visuals.