There are two parts to this Final Portfolio:

1) Revisions of Units One and Two

2) A Final Reflection (400-500 words) 

As we’ve determined this semester, composing is not just a tool for our course or for classes in other disciplines as you pursue your college degree. Writing is a tool you use in community, personal, and professional situations as well. Once you learn how to analyze a rhetorical situation, you can start to figure out the most effective communication strategy.

Revision of Units 1 and 2

To complete the course, you will revise Units 1 and 2, given the feedback you received from the professor and classmates.  Think of yourself as a writer beyond the classroom.  Your words are important, so present them accordingly!

For each revision, include a paragraph at the beginning that explains the ways in which you revised your assignment and why. Address what you learned from the feedback you received, and the suggestions you chose to incorporate (or not).

Final Reflection

What have you learned about yourself as a reader, writer, and scholar of journalism this term?

As a way to begin your Reflection, look back through your compendium of work: what you did/said/thought this semester in your OL posts, your assignments, and your conversations and exchanges with colleagues. As you browse through your work, take notes on the following questions (note: you do not have to speak to all of these issues; these are just to give you some possible topics to address):

  • What are some notable lessons that have stuck with you after completing certain assignments?
  • What changed in your writing (reading, thinking) as the genres and assignments changed?
  • How did you make decisions in your assignments about content and design?
  • What were your early assumptions/beliefs about journalism? Have they since changed? Explain.
  • Was there any peer feedback that stands out to you? Why

Now that you’ve brainstormed, is there a central takeaway from the semester? How can you organize your ideas to reflect and support this?