Summer 2021

Author: Yathziry Serrano (Page 1 of 2)

A Raisin in the Sun

In the film A Raisin in the Sun you get to see the lives of African Americans and how they struggle financially. This film made me think of today and how we have so many people struggling financially because of COVID, a lot of families have had to make a lot of sacrifices in order to be able to get the necessities for their families. I truly loved the character of Ruth in the beginning since she was someone who was trying to stay honest and truthful when she told Walter that the money he was trying to use wasn’t his and it was his mother’s instead and that he had to go to work. A person who’s honest always has the most success. Unlike Walter, the character named Travis is a character that we see in the film that is determined to give his best in order to use for his school needs by working in a grocery store. I personally have seen a lot of people try to get money the easy way but eventually they realize that it’s important to work for what you want because money comes with working hard.

Midnight Summer Night’s Dream

Being in love means that you have to love or like someone beyond their looks or what they have to offer you, that could mean gifts,money,luxurious lifestyle, etc.  As said by Helena “Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind.” Someone can see you and fall in love with you because of what they see and notice when they first see you but appearances lie all the time. When you first meet someone they’re nice and sweet but as time goes on a person shows their true colors and you must be willing to accept them for who they are or let them go if you notice that they’re not good for your wellbeing.  As a human being you have to notice their values and how they treat others. I always say that it’s important how a man treats his mother because if he loves, cares, respects and protects his mother then he is more than likely to do the same for his wife. Unfortunately in the Shakespeare plays we see that women don’t have much of a say when it comes to love which is unfortunate because women would end up being with people they didn’t love. What made is worse was that their own fathers would set up a marriage for their daughters like the father Eugeus and his daughter Hermia when he believed that since she belonged to him and he could force her to marry Demetruis and if not he would kill her, it is horrendous to see that a father even had a thought of killing his daughter over a man. 



Oedipus has a hard time solving his riddle because he has never admitted to his faults. The reason why they said that “Tiresias is blind but sees, Oedipus has eyes but is blind” is because even though Tiresias is blind she is able to tell who a person is and what their intentions are. On the other hand Oedipus is an ignorant person that doesn’t care about others because he only cares about himself, his ego is too big and he is a selfish person. A quote that catched my attention was “Strange, hearing you just now . . . my mind wandered, my thoughts racing back and forth.” This is clearly a sign that Oedipus didn’t really care about what others said or thought. Unfortunately this attitude and ego caught up to him and made him have a defeat. Having a big ego is sickening because it doesn’t do any good to the person having those kinds of attitudes because all they end up having is no one but themselves.

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