Team #6 : Moemu Seo, Gloria & Jennifer
Blending wine was all of our first time doing it . It was such a wonderful experience , we were able to play around with the different wines and change the percentages of each wine to create a different flavor and texture to the pallet. As a team we went through 3 different batches until we finally were able to create the blend that we loved! Our blend consisted of Cabernet Sauvignon , Merlot & Cabernet Franc. We had so much fun creating our blend and it was also a time to combine all of our ideas and knowledge of wines to create our blend. Even Though our wine was not the winner , we believe our wine is a perfect treat to have while eating lamb, pork or steak with. It was high in acidity but it also balanced out with the tannins that lingered at the end. It was filled with black cherry and blue berry flavors with a hint of black pepper. We would love to go back to Red Hook Winery and try to create another blend! We would definitely love to do this again! Once again a big thank you to the Julia Child Foundation for letting us have this wonderful experience!
-Jennifer Medina
“I truly enjoyed our two day visit to the Red Hook Winery it was a great experience to have had the chance to blend 3 different wines. The experience helped us understand the depth & importance of blending & also allowed us to be creative.” – Gloria
“This experience has helped animate and bring context to my experience with wines on what I have been spending the last year reading, writing, and studying about. I now understand that blending has a purpose; it not only helps to bring forth complexity that you won’t necessarily achieve with a single varietal, but the process itself is there to help understand each grape variety as its own individual and to learn how to work with it. It it not a matter of manipulating the characteristics of the grapes but rather learning how to marry them into one harmonious wine. Though our team did not win the challenge, we certainly took home with us plenty of new knowledge and for that we would like to thank everyone at Red Hook Winery and the Julia Child Foundation for making this happen.”
– Moemu Seo
Thank you Jennifer, Gloria and Moemu for the effort put forth to engage in the learning as you did. I like that as a team you were able to identify a style you wanted to make, create the wine, write about it and then reflect on the process as you did.
Let me know if you return to Red Hook Winery and if you continue your wine studies.
What was the percentage of our final blend?
Cabernet Franc: 40%
Cabernet Sauvignon: 35%
Merlot: 25%