All posts by Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.


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Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D. | Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design Technology | New York City College of Technology (New York City Tech) | The City University of New York (CUNY) | 186 Jay Street, Voorhees 532, Brooklyn, NY 11201 | Tel: +1 718 260 5532 | Email:

Junior Faculty Research Awards

The CUNY Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering Program aims to cultivate the excellence and ensure the promise of research-intensive, early career, science and engineering faculty at CUNY. It is expected that this early career opportunity will advance the research programs of the faculty recipients through boosting their research productivity and accelerating their ability to attract significant external funding.

This year the program will fund four (4) one-year awards of $50,000.

NOTE: Due to the disruptions caused by Hurricane Sandy, we have decided to extend the deadline of the JFRASE competition to Monday, December 3, 2012 at 5pm.  Please alert all your colleagues to this change.

via Junior Faculty Research Awards – Internal Funding Programs – CUNY.

Collaborative Incentive Research Grant

2013: ROUND 20



The Collaborative Incentive Research Grants Program (CIRG) funds faculty research projects in their preliminary stages. The program encourages an interdisciplinary approach with a focus on participation from two or more CUNY campuses. The primary goal is to seed research that will become the basis of new external grant proposals. The program is administered by a Faculty Evaluation Committee, comprised of senior faculty from the colleges, and chaired by the Associate University Dean for Research.

via Collaborative Incentive Research Grant – Internal Funding Programs – CUNY.