
New York as tried to equalize funding by providing extra funding for individuals/groups who need it. The government recently announced they will give the full 28.1 billion dollars to schools. They have also established programs to help with minority and challenged students.  There programs like the Fair Student Funding, Title 1, Student Allocation Memoranda, and The Renewable Program. 

  • Fair Student Funding- Unlike the previous funding system that issue money based on staffing, this distributes funding based on the student’s needs.

To learn more about fair student funding

  • Title 1- This program gives federal funds to school districts with large concentrations of low-income students.

learn more about Tittle 1.

  • Student Allocation Memoranda – This program provides schools with money for a specific purpose.

To learn more about SAMs

  • The Renewal Program- This program helps struggling schools and adds extra services and academic support.

To learn more about Renewal Program.