’s Profile

1,081 to 1,092 (of 4,425)
ENG1101 O177, FA2021

ENG1101 O177, FA2021

Prof. Schanzer

English Composition I: A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for ”classroom” discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

2014 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

Jonas Reitz
Mathematics|MAT 2071|Fall 2014

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, […]

MTEC 1102-OL22, Production Practices, FA2020

MTEC 1102-OL22, Production Practices, FA2020

MTEC 1102|Fall 2020

This course is a hands-on introduction to the best practices for production techniques used in games, interactive and tangible media product development. Students will acquire a deep understanding of content […]

Eng. 1101 – English Composition 1 – 0100 – Fall 2021 – Coleman

Rebekah Coleman
1101|Fall 2021

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Every City Tech (and CUNY) […]

COMD4801 The Portfolio, FA2022

COMD4801 The Portfolio, FA2022

Eli Neugeboren
COMD|Fall 2022

Development of each student’s strategy for entering the design profession. Cumulative work will be critiqued by faculty and professional advisers. Students edit and re ne their portfolios to meet professional s […]

ENG1121 English Composition II, FA2022

Omid Mehrgan
1121|Fall 2022

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

BIO1101 D046 Lab FA2022

BIO1101 D046 Lab FA2022

Marie-Cecile Chalbot
Biology 1101 Lab|Fall 2022

This is the openlab course for Biology 1101 Lab. The fundamental principles of biology focus on topics including taxonomy, structure, nutrition, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of […]

BIO1101 D009 Lecture FA2022

BIO1101 D009 Lecture FA2022

Marie-Cecile Chalbot
BIO 1101 Lecture|Fall 2022

Biology I (BIO1101) Lecture website. CityTech Biology Department. Section D009 of Fall 2022 taught by Dr. Marie-Cecile Chalbot.

BIO1101 D032 Lab FA2022

BIO1101 D032 Lab FA2022

Marie-Cecile Chalbot
Biology 1101 Lab|Fall 2022

This is the openlab course for Biology 1101 Lab. The fundamental principles of biology focus on topics including taxonomy, structure, nutrition, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. The concepts of […]

Math1275CO Duvvuri Sp2020

MAT1275CO|Spring 2020

An intermediate and advanced algebra course. Topics include quadratic equations, systems of linear equations, exponential and logarithmic functions; topics from trigonometry, including identities, equations and […]

ENG1101-O190, FA2021

ENG1101-O190, FA2021

Laura Westengard
1101|Fall 2021

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. College-level readings are assigned for classroom discussion and essay writing. ”Books Everywhere–Books […]

ENG2575 Technical Writing (OL62), Spring 2021

ENG2575 Technical Writing (OL62), Spring 2021

Professor Choi
ENG2575|Spring 2021

ENG 2575 is an advanced course in effective technical writing techniques, including traditional technical writing forms and World Wide Web communication. This course will have students use electronic media such as […]