’s Profile

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ENG 1121 D466 Spring 2020

ENG 1121 D466 Spring 2020

Aaron Barlow
ENG 1121|Spring 2020

English 1121 is a course in composition, reading skills, and core critical thinking skills. The class will explore many genres, discourses, and multimedia to explore many ideas and readings.


Prof Jewell
1101|Fall 2019

English Composition 1

ARCH11121 History of World Architecture, SP2022

Robert Zagaroli 3rd
ARCH 1121|Spring 2022

A historical survey of architecture from early civilizations to the start of the Industrial Revolution. Architecture is examined as an expression of the culture and life of a society. Class sessions study […]

Graphic Design Principles 1 spr ’21

Carol Diamond
COMD 1100|Spring 2021

This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through […]

ENG1101OL10, Eng Comp, SP2022

L Wu
ENG1101|Spring 2022

English 1101 is a writing- intensive course designed to strengthen your composition skills. Writing a variety of essays, in addition to a research paper, will help you develop skills such as building an argument, […]

CST2409 Web Programming II, FA2022

Prof. Pinto
CST2409|Fall 2022

Development of Web applications using several programming technologies such as AJAX, jQuery, Apache, and MySQL. Web pages built with HTML, Javascript, and PHP.

COMD1200_Graphic Design Principles II_Fall 2021

Prof. Childers
COMD1200|Fall 2021

Explore creative visual communication through graphic design. Using type and graphics, students will participate in the process of communicating concepts by experimenting with image-making techniques. Acquire the […]

Typography 1

Libby Clarke
Communication D...|ADV 1227|Fall 2012

This basic design and color theory course explores graphic communication through the understanding of the elements and principles of design, as well as the design process, including idea development through final […]


Maria Paula Rennis
COMD 1100|Fall 2020

Graphic Design Principles 1

MAT1372 Statistics with Probability, FA2022

Ezra Halleck
MAT 1372|Fall 2022

A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, […]

HMGT1101Perspectives D402Spring2022

HMGT1101Perspectives D402Spring2022

Lina Romasanta
HMGT1101|Spring 2022

An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the […]

CT 101 sample Nina Bannett fall 2022

CT 101 sample Nina Bannett fall 2022

Nina Bannett
Fall 2022

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various […]