’s Profile

925 to 936 (of 4,425)

ENG1710 Intro to Language and Technology, SP2018

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG1710|Spring 2018

In this rewarding and challenging introductory class, we will endeavor to understand the deep and complex relationship between language and technology through readings and discussion. You will apply your insights […]

ENG1133 Specialized Communication for Technology Students, FA2017

Jason W. Ellis
English|ENG1133|Fall 2017

This is Prof. Ellis’ ENG1133 class for Fall 2017.

LIB1201, FALL  2019

LIB1201, FALL 2019

Nandi Prince
LIB1201|Fall 2019

In this course we will explore issues in research and documentation for text (in print and online), images, sound, and multimedia. You will investigate where information comes from and how it is organized in both […]

ENG922R_First Year Reading_Summer 2018

Sarah Schmerler
English|ENG 922R|Summer 2018

The most powerful skill you will ever master is reading. Knowing how to mine what’s inside a book will make you able to accomplish even the most far-fetched, difficult tasks in your life. Knowing how to accurately […]

English 1121:: The real-time laboratory for persuasive writers and speakers

Sarah Schmerler
English,Humanit...|1121|Spring 2016

Strong and confident writers who are comfortable marrying content and form graduate from this course, which focuses on essay writing while building analytical-reading and critical-thinking skills.

ENG1101 – C/D332, Spring 2018

ENG1101 – C/D332, Spring 2018

Sarah Schmerler
English,Humanit...|1101|Spring 2018

Do you know how to make yourself understood? How to express your thoughts and feelings — and persuade people — in the best way you possibly can? Revision, writing, more revision, more writing, and a host of […]

ENG1101 CD308 Fall 2018

Sarah Schmerler
English,Humanit...|1101|Fall 2018

We make ideas concrete. In order to do that, we first accept that writing is a process — an act in which we will participate our whole life long. Music, art, electronics, engineering — you name it — whatever we […]

ENG 1101 LC31 Fall 2018

Sarah Schmerler
English,Humanit...|1101|Fall 2018

We think differently about writing than most. We generate and edit, analyze and share; and our thoughts and feelings take shape on the page in the form of written words. Paragraphs get hewed and sculpted. Ideas […]


Sarah Schmerler
1101|Fall 2019

We make ideas concrete. In order to do that, we first accept that writing is a process — an act in which we will participate our whole life long. Music, art, electronics, engineering — you name it — whatever we […]

ENG1121 Sec402 Spring2020

Sarah Schmerler
1121|Spring 2020

This class will make you a better communicator, period. In this course you will expand on the skills you acquired in Eng 1101. Expect to get some amazing writing secrets, revealed. You will enter this class alone, […]



Sarah Schmerler
1101|Fall 2020

The world isn’t static, and your writing shouldn’t be, either. In this course you will learn about the near-magical power of the written word, and the myriad places you can use that power. Do you want to persuade? […]

ENG1101Section305, Fall 2019

Sarah Schmerler
1101|Fall 2019

We make ideas concrete. In order to do that, we first accept that writing is a process — an act in which we will participate our whole life long. Music, art, electronics, engineering — you name it — whatever we […]