the re-making project

House of Cards

by Charles L. Mee

There was once a man named Frederick who had a small son, and the son had a pet tortoise. One day the father decided to roast the tortoise, so he put a burning stick against the tortoise’s belly. The tortoise kicked and jerked his head and urinated, and the heat of the stick caused the shell on the tortoise’s belly to split. So the father put his hand up inside the shell, and, while the tortoise struggled, the father slit its belly with his knife and pulled out its intestines. By this time, the tortoise had pulled a little into its shell and was trying to hide there, with his head between his knees, looking out. And meanwhile the little boy had come to see what his father was doing. And when the boy saw the tortoise, he put his own arms up beside his head and looked out just the way the tortoise looked out of his shell. And now the father reached in and took hold of the tortoise’s heart, which was still beating, and flipped the tortoise over, onto the ground, and while the man pulled out its heart, the tortoise jerked violently. And the father said to the son, you see, the tortoise like the earth itself, or like a man is a slow, tough creature that can live on a while even after its heart is gone.


Once there were lots of babies sea turtles hatching from the sand. Once the turtles hacth out of their egg shell their main objective was to race to the sea were their journey will begin. There was one turtle that took its time and observe its surroundings. The rest of the baby turtle’s race to the sea as soon as they hatch not knowing the danger they will have to face. A flock of hungry of seagulls suddenly rose from behind the rocks and flew over the baby sea turtles, the seagulls flew in a circle, then the hungry seagulls dive down to try to eat any baby sea turtles they can. All the baby sea turtles with its little legs rush their way to the sea, they kick and kick their way to safety to the sea. The baby turtle who stood still and observe its surroundings watch as his brother and sisters were being attack. It was every sea turtle for themselves, as the baby observer stood still and waiting for its moment to charge to the open sea. The baby observer notice that most of the hungry seagulls move away to where all baby sea turtles had gather throughout the rush of sea gulls attack. The baby observer suddenly took that opportunity and charge to the sea, the observer turtle made it more than half of the way with no problem. As the baby observer was getting on the wet sand he felt something grad him from the back and it was a small crab. The crab had grabbed the turtle on its back shell with a its claw. The crab drag  him back into the dry sand. The observer baby turtle struggle to kick out of its grid by kicking even faster. He wanted to get loss of the crab’s claw before the hungry seagull’s spots him. As the baby turtle and the crab toggle back and front pulling each other, the baby observers acted quickly and kick the sand as much as he can tossing it to the crab. The crab had lost its grid and the baby turtle rush towards the sea and dive into the sea. Where its journey will begin, that’s how it shows that even small and slow creatures have a strong act of heart to push forward even when there are obstacles to face.


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