Invention wish list


Invention #1

This semester I have been given loads of homework. Most of the homework require me to do research. Most of them require me to time pages of work. Im normally tired and I dont feel like doing anything at all. I have come up with an idea that may make people slightly lazier than they already are. I havent come up with a name yet. I would like a computer to be invented that reads your thoughts. Instead of me typing a five page paper, the computer can just read my mind. This will lead it write down everything that im thinking. If i thought to open a web browser it would do it. If i thought about watching a video it would find it. If i thought about looking for food recipes it would find it.


Invention #2


As I stated before in a previous assignment, I would like to make a portable shower. Just in case  I jump out of my comfort zone and go hiking or something. This portable shower can be used anywhere away from home. It can be used in a home away from home just in case you are afraid to use that persons shower.


Invention #3

Shape shifting Key. This may be highly illegal but i feel like its interesting. I would like to design a key that you can personally mold yourself to open any lock that you like. The purpose for it would be mainly for opening your own house door if you lost your keys. Opening your card door if you lost your keys. Also lending your relatives or close friends your key while you are away.

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