
To help solve many of the current issues, certain technologies and features will be used in the app and around stations to help solve these issues.

1)Smart Proximity Sensor

2)Crowdedness Notifier

3)Citizen’s Camera

4)Nearest Working MTA Machine

5)Emergency Route


Smart Proximity Sensor

  • Smart Proximity Sensors will be equipped above each door on a subway.
  • When a user with the app installed walks on or off the subway, it will check them in/out of that particular subway on the app.



Crowdedness Notifier
  • The app will be able to show the user which subway cars are the most/least populated.
  • There are two ways of achieving this.1) Option 1 is to use the information from the smart proximity sensors. Cheaper but less accurate.2) Option 2 is to install weight sensors on each seat in the subway cars. Expensive and time consuming but more accurate.
    Citizen’s Cameras
  • Installing CCTV cameras on each subway car is an ideal solution to reduce crime, however, it would be very expensive, and with most subways going underground, live footage can be a problem.
  • Instead, we can use the cameras of the passengers, just like the Citizens app.
  • This way, no time or money needs to be spent on CCTV cameras.

Nearest Working MTA Machine

  • MTA machines will be connected to the app. 
  • Their status will be displayed as well, which allows users to quickly locate where a working machine is.
  • This feature is aimed towards those that still use MetroCards.