Course Description:

ENG 4900 is designed to offer you the opportunity to complete a 120-hour on-site internship related to professional and technical writing in a supportive academic setting. The focus of course and individual meetings will be on discussing the career professionalization and creating e-Portfolios. – Courtesy of  IS9010 Course Syllabus

My  Experience at Brooklyn Small Business Development Center:

My internship experience was quite different from how I thought it would go. I found myself hunting for months only to land a position at Brooklyn Small Business Development Center (BSBDC). This non-profit agency helps Brooklyn based business owners to find the help they seek whether it be legal or financial.  My place within all of this would be helping the agency to expand its social media presence by creating content from client interviews, re-brand the office by creating new logo and official documentation, and work alongside the team to launch the new official website. However, not all every aspect went as planned but I was able to redefine the position and get more out of the experience than I thought I was going to. To read about my experience in greater detail see the document below.

Download (PDF, 4.46MB)

Resume Update:

A large part of the internship experience was to polish our representative documents, this being resumes, portfolios, and cover letters. I knew right from the get go that this would be a challenge for me. My resume in my opinion was disgraceful, it lacked design, organization of content, and even poorly written content. I did not know where to start but to my surprise I saw that many of my colleagues too were having the same problem. With the guidance of Kathryn Dickerson, Jodieann Stephenson, and Samantha Pezzolanti I was able to turn my resume completely around. In this process, I learned three very important things:

  1. Create a resume that represents who you are. Everyone’s resume is like their finger print, unique to who they are. It is very important to create a resume that suits you and your job needs.
  2. Organize the information first. When designing any document it is important to flush the content out completely before attacking design choices. Remember the content of your resume is what employers are looking at, if it looks nice too that’s just a plus.
  3. Have a wide audience look at your resume. The more people you show your resume to the more chances you will have to right your wrongs and get a wider range of opinions.

I will admit that I got caught up in the design aspect of my resume because I couldn’t realize that the appearance would only get me so far. After I got the information organized and written in a better voice, I was able to match the content to a design which I believe best suits me. I am still not pleased but as you can see from the images below I have come a very long way with my resume update. If you have any suggest on how I could make my resume better please feel free to send me a message in my contact forum.

To take a look at the two version of my resume click the links below:

Resume Before

Resume After