Ethics Assignment #2

  1. The AIGA Design and Business Ethics Handbook has changed my perspective on my own design work. In the past I have not always credited the source of the images or sounds I have used in my pieces. Credit should be due to the original designer; they have a right to their pieces and a right to claim unfair use. It was highly recommended by my professors to use royalty-free photos from websites such as Pexel to avoid plagiarism.


  1. The ‘Hope’ poster by Shepard Fairey is a well-known poster that was posted almost everywhere during time of President Obama’s election on the streets of New York and all over the media. I believe Shepard Fairey’s actions were unethical, He tried to deny the use of the portrait created by Mannie Garcia. He claimed he use another photo that belonged to him, which was false. I believe the outcome of this case were reasonable due to the fact that he tried to claim another’s work. It was then proven he altered the image, if he had come out and told the truth, the outcome of this case would have been more lenient towards him, however he chose not to.