P1 -Lost & Found

All of my objects are discarded waste that appear to have been around for awhile.

The first image shows a cream and navy color fighting for dominance. This is so because both colors are splattered around the piece and each color takes up roughly 50% of the image. Having a clear organic shape to it, its placement and portions declare it to be ambiguous as viewers are unclear of what it is and which is the foreground/background.

Image two, shows a black oval adjacent to a medium gray object. Although the proportions are not 50/50, each color does enough to satisfy the ambiguous “requirements.”

Image 3 is in similar fashion to image 2. Geometric shape and a dark purple are it’s main differences.

Image 4 depicts an obvious object! This is so because a clear outline is shown between the foreground and background. This element (and the fact that its 30/70) is a big giveaway.

Image 5 is beautiful heart shaped waste. Shape is unclear.

Image 6 is organic shaped!

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