Author Archives: Victoria Munoz

Project 3 – Selfiemotion – Step 3 – Collage

The selfiemotion I selected was surprised. When I first began creating a sketches that would represent the emotion, I really wanted to find magazine images that I would be able to cut out into spirals and use with other cut outs of the mouth for my focal point. After given some feedback I realized that the mouth (see first collage) wasn’t really highlighting the emotion I chose and I went back to the drawing board. I kept the extra locks of hair going out in different directions for my next collage because I felt it showed a motion, but now after having researched “surprised faces” on the internet, I searched for wide-opened eyes in my magazines. I stuck with the idea of having an open eyes to show the emotion for the next couple of sketches but decided to get rid of the magazine image and use my own black and white photos.


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Project 2 – Txture & Pattern – Final


Project 2-Txture and Pattern, was extremely challenging. I had such a great time doing the line work for both of the images I chose – which were a braided rope for pattern, and desert sands for texture – but when it came down to the type composition I came to a stand still.

I was into the line compositions and trying to figure out how different line weights, line directions, etc would work best at conveying my images. When ti came time to start the type compositions, I wasn’t sure where to begin.. I researched fonts that might relate to the images, and founds some fonts that were named appropriately: “Sand Dunes,” “Fuzzy,” and so on. But even with my font selections I have a difficult time translating the images. It was only until I read the graphics excerpt that I figured out it wasn’t so much about the font I chose to use but the way you use it. So I started more sketches but this time focused on the different contrast of the images and tried to translate them with a more basic type.

I am a bit disappointed in the way that my final type pieces came out but I know I came a long way from where I started with Project 2 compositions and I’m satisfied with the outcome.

WIPFinal outcome: 2 line compositions, 2 type compositions mounted on 14×17 bristol board, and chaos on the dining room table

Project 1 – Lost and Found – Step 1: Discover

Walking around Queens, I found the objects/fragments below that I considered to have either an ambiguous or obvious figure/ground relationship.

1. Ambiguous
photo2. Obvious
photo3. Ambiguous

We live in a world of tidiness. Homes are tidy, the people in the homes are tidy, the streets surrounding are gleaming. The year is 2030, and the trash and recycling bins they’ve placed on all the corners are finally doing their jobs. When we walk down the streets there’s no litter or marks in sight… Until we come across this estranged stain on a particular corner of a particular street. They must have missed a spot. Or maybe they left it there because it was too difficult to remove.photo4. Obvious

I’ve lived here for two seasons of spring and the purple plastic remains. The leaves sprout and inevitably fall off again, and still it stays, as if it’s a neighborhood resident too. No matter the weather it’s frayed limbs catch the air. It’s color is bright and cheery but it’s current state makes it dark and dreary.photo5. Ambiguous photo6. ObviousPhoto