Hi Everyone,

We’ve read some narratives and discussed them in your posts. Now you will draft your narrative.

To do that, this week we will:

  1. Read a Comic (Due 11:59pm Thur Sept 24)
  2. Watch a Video with a Writing Exercise you’ll do while watching  (Due 11:59pm Thur Sept 24)
  3. Read a short essay about Shitty First Drafts  (Due 11:59pm Sun Sept 27)
  4. Draft your Education Narrative (Due 11:59pm Sun Sept 27)
  5. Post about your draft on the Discussion Board  (Due 11:59pm Sun Sept 27)
  6. I will tell you Mon Sept 28 where/when to send Education Narrative Draft 


UNIT ONE (Week 4): Drafting an Education Narrative

Due by 11:59pm Thur Sept 24

READ (COMIC): “Tardy” by Lynda Barry.  https://jackshalom.net/2018/10/17/tardy/

THINK: Think of one specific incident that changed your views on education. Picture the scene (for example, when Marlys walks into the office and gets her tardy slip.)


WATCH and WRITE: Please watch and do the activity outlined in the video below by Lynda Barry (she’s the person who drew the comic “Tardy!”).  You will need:

  • Two pieces of paper
  • Something to write with
  • A few words (for ex, “When Miss Speck told me I was going nowhere in life”) describing a scene from your life that changed your views on education.  Write this description at the top of one piece of paper. This will be the “X” page (meaning, you draw an X right through the page.)
  • Ignore the screen that says “pause play.”

Do the exercise—along with video. To clarify: you answer the questions Lynda Barry asks anywhere on the X page. Answer in note form. The “X” is to remind you that the rules of the paper are off—you don’t have to write in the lines.

After you’ve answered these questions, write the scene out in paragraph form, like you’re writing an essay or a story. This exercise is meant to help draft.  I hope you find a scene to use in your essay—if not, I hope you learn something about writing scenes.

LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjmwJX4KobY&feature=youtu.be

Due by 11:59pm Sun Sept 27


READ: Shitty First Drafts, Anne Lamott:


WRITE: A Shitty First Draft of UNIT ONE (at least 750 words).

See UNIT ONE ASSIGNMENT SHEET Education Narrative (under Content)

POST: On Blackboard Discussion Board by 11:59pm Sun Sept 27 

  • Comment on these two things about your draft (8 – 10 sentences):
  1. What you intended to do: Here’s why you wrote about the moment. What you hoped it would do. What you want people to take away from it.
  2. How you feel about the project so far: How you think it’s going, what problems you’re having, what is working, and what you need help with.

