After reviewing today’s film Episode7 “The City and the World 1945-2000” , what social justices do you think still remain in New York City today?
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Professors Montgomery Phillip | OL96 | Fall 2020
After reviewing today’s film Episode7 “The City and the World 1945-2000” , what social justices do you think still remain in New York City today?
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Social justice is defined as “the view that everyone deserve equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social works aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.” National Association of social justice encompasses economic justice. But today in the city we realize that the reality of this justice is respect as it suppose to be when people are not treat in equality. For example the problem of black lives matter.
I think that some social justices that still remain in New York today are people are still being put out their homes. Smaller homes are also being knocked down to build high rise buildings. However, when these high rise buildings are built most families are not able to live in them. African Americans are also still not treated as equal or like they belong. Many African Americans are forced to live in areas that are labeled as slums or ghetto. Most are under paid and very few are able to secure high paying jobs. Little resources for education are provided. People still have to demonstrate for their voices to be heard and to stand up for their rights.
Till this day social justices is one of our biggest problem in this country, relating to the videos African Americans struggled most of their lives in the city because of discrimination, were being rejected from jobs opportunities. Most of color people live in ghetto and slums and have bad reputation which truly bother me. They are still treated the same compared to 1950’s, a little bit less but all races should be treated equal and have the same opportunities. New York City has to step their game and make some changes in order for this country to succeed.
After viewing Episode 07: “The City and the World 1945-2000”, some of the social justices that still remains in NYC are reoccurring ones. One of them is the oppression that many minorities face, including discrimination of race, sexuality and religion. The BLM movement is a strong grassroot movement that condemn the injustices black people face from the police brutality and racially motivated violence towards them. Immigrants have been hated/targeted by the president himself as labeling them/stereotyping them as something they are not. We are also advocating for better gun control due to the mass shootings there’s been in the United States recently as well as introducing climate change policies like the Green New Deal. The current generations have become more proactive within society and the need for change.