Masonry is natural occurring for the stones and mud binders.
But in a general sense, a monolithic effect such as a stone veneer or a lining or fake stone cover makes up for competition for other materials.
Stone has that heaviness, old rustic effect not just in paradigm but also its place in common jargon. It exudes weathering, time tested effects even out of context. For stone has the first appeal of standard antiquity but because it is also still available in nature, it competes well with other materials.
Cost effective, rustic , good mechanical compression and relatively low skill needed to handle the material are what allows stone to continue as a viable building material.
In its simplicity stone along with wood and mud are the precursor to any building material especially after the industrial revolution.
As such the paradigm and jargon of stone is a reminder of how Stonehenge evokes of massive presence yet heavy enough to withstand nature.