Class Info

  • Date: 09/22/2020
  • Meeting Info: meet via zoom at TK


Understanding the Design Industry Job Market


  • Identifying Resources for Market Stats
  • Comprehending Basic MacroEconomic Terms & Acronyms
  • Interpret & Analyze the Data You Find


The First stop in any Job search is the Occupational Handbook done by the U.S. Department of Labor. We will visit this site together and I will walk you thought the key areas of this site.

Of course, we have a NY State Department of Labor as well and here is the site for looking at different occupations in NY State:

But private companies also offer detailed information about the design employment market that is more current and more detailed than the information on the government’s sites.

Let’s review together the 2020 Salary Guide provided by Robert Half, a recruitment firm that focuses on our field. The link is provided below for you to download this copy for yourself from the company’s site. I also provide the PDF below that link for time’s sake during our zoom meet. However, I strongly suggest you visit the link later and provide them with your information as it will be helpful for you to get follow up emails from them during your job search after graduation.

This guide was written BEFORE the pandemic, so while it still has valuable information, a look at the latest stats is on Glassdoor’s Economic Site. which has a job market report done this summer. We will look at this together.


We will review portfolios of design students to discuss strengths and weaknesses.

Then, we will review together portfolios from this class that have been submitted.

To-Do After Class

• Polish your Portfolio based on feedback today during our critique

• Keep Blogging–you should be finished 4 posts by now.

• Keep Building your LinkedIn network. Connect to 3 City Tech Alumni in our field that you found through a LinkedIn search for City Tech Alumni or through the COMD Facebook Page.

• Reading Assignments as per Assignments/Week Four


  1. Screen Shot of Occupational Handbook Site/Graphic Designer. Department of Labor. Department of Labor. Public Domain.