
Type on the Third Dimension. Type on a box: additional samples of type on a cube–experimental and practical applications on architecture and signage.

Specifically: Computer work to put the typographic sketches into the template.


  • Cut and assemble the cube; experiment with different uncoated papers. Video explains how to design and transfer the image. https://youtu.be/j4yUbhsobK4


  • Using the assembled hand-made cube, transfer and refine the design to the computer.
  • Print the image on a stock that is slightly heavier than standard stock. Cut and assemble. 

Session 1/Session 2

  • Finish the cube project and photograph with the phone against a neutral background. Photograph all angles
  • Critique by the end of the class. Each student makes an online presentation of their finished cube(s).


  • Design the images on the cube by either tracing and transferring the ligature images from the various enlargements you made,
  • Or enlarging or reducing the images on the screen, tracing them on tracing paper
  • Then transferring the entire sketch onto cardstock, cut it and assemble it.
  • If modifications are needed, make them, and evaluate the strength of the design.
  • Once that’s done, transfer the information to the design on the computer, make a PDF and send to print, again on cardstock.
  • Trim carefully, assemble it. gluing the flaps together, and carefully filling in the edges to give a clean corner.


To print the cube:

https://www.fedex.com/en-us/office/copy-and-print-services.html https://www.theupsstore.com/print/copies https://www.upsstoreprintshop.com/DSF/SmartStore.aspx#!/CategoryHome/19

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