Author Archives: Min Koo Kim

drums jpeg  For this project I work with Mario. Before I got to know Mario I thought of him shy mysterious. I had fun learning about Mario. We both play instrument and he was very open when I asked him questions. I play drum so he chose drum as icon. Mario play piano but hard time adjusting so I use music note as my icon so that shows Mario love music. I use greenish blue because Mario was mysterious to but he was cool when I got to know him.

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This project I felt like it was easy for me to do it because I understood interaction of color and how to saturate and desaturate. Also this project was fun for me because we used photoshop to do this project.

Group project

1384800162260 this project was challenging to me because I could not find the blue color that our group wanted to use on this project,. word that our group used was splash and we had hard time putting letter because if our group used the darker blue we can not see the word. Another thing was if we used the darker blue on the word it would be hard for people to see the letter. Some how we find our ways to finish this project in class.

The Field Trip of Richard Hollis of Artists Space

 This field trip to Richard Hollis of Artists Space was awesome . Richard Hollis  did a lot of work by hand in 1900’s and still does his work by hand what I mean by that is he does not use new technology to do his work today. It give a feel of antique. He  demonstrated the key aspect of war and downfalls propaganda and he astonish his public. I had a great time viewing Richard Hollis art work.