Jennifer Reyes “Dream Career”

When I was in High School I truly never knew what kind of career I wanted. I just knew that I did not want to be someone’s employee at a draining job, working from 8 am to 6 pm schedule. When I started to learn about architecture I saw I interesting, new, creative, and diverse. Little by little I knew that being able to learn all the skill sets from studying an architect major would eventually lead me to clearly find what kind of career I wanted. Including how all these sets of skills could lead me to have my own business and have a creative exciting career.

Well first no I don’t just want to be an architect. I want to build a career first in animation. All those rendering, applying materials playing to see a project that is not yet built but bring it into life through animation. I found it fascinating and it would not be boring because that was the creative side of the job would come in. I would mainly like to work on residential buildings, urban projects, parks, stuff like that reasoning being is because commercial building seems more technical. Have a lot more regulation codes and laws to follow. Even though the residential project still has these regulations, laws, and codes it still not as much.

Another job I would like the have is in an interior design office. That way I learn all the ways an interior designer works, think and finishes their project. Even though it won’t be any different from what I have learned in design class. I know that in an office like this I would learn the reality of how one is supposed to work in the field. Eventually, I want to open an office/ company that works on interior design renovation and a whole other construction company which I know is a whole other certification I might need. So, I don’t think I have one specific career I have multiple but I believe they all work with each other.

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