Case Study #54: Fire Protection Heads-Francis Kwok

Two weeks out before turnover and the fire protection sub-contractor messes up by putting a different sprinkler head on every floor. It is the dutie of the contractor to manage their sub-contractor but without supervision; the sub-contractor did something which was not detailed on the drawings. If it is just aesthetic purpose it may be pointless to change as the inspection is happening soon and turnover is coming closer and closer but the fact that the sub-contractors put different heads on each floor without questioning the Contractor first still lies the blame on the Contractor as he has to pay for all the changes and may possible extend the turnover and inpection. The General Contractor should have caught that there was no details and asked the Architect and Engineers (if there is) about it.

Even though it is the sub-contractor’s fault; the blame will still be put onto the General Contractor as they are the ones who hire the sub-contractor. Usually if there is no details from the architect is usually because they know the General Contractor knows these common things and they hired a sub-contactor which specialists in that certain field which in this case is fire protection. The sprinkler head works according to the General Contractor and Engineers (if there is) and Architect then it is possible to not change them out at this point either as it is getting closer to inspection and turnover. The General Contractor should pay better attention and do more inspection rounds on sub-contractors work.

Case Study 24-Francis Kwok

Francis Kwok
Arch 4861- Professional Practice
February 26, 2019

There are many problems with this case. First off, no one should be bringing a child to any meeting as it will be a disturbance and distraction to many. This can lead to missing information which would be very important especially for documenting for the whole project. The fact that the architect told the owner to engage a general contractor whose job should be the architect’s. Another thing is the owner doesn’t really have any education in this field as he is a medical doctor. The fact that they even hired this general contractor who does even have a documented resume as well as a portfolio of some sort which shows us how good their work and experience are. There was really no communication at all with the contractor and architect on this project which created a conflict with the owner who has a set budget and the fact that there isn’t much information on the project like drawings or documentation of any sort. None of these were documented in the contract as well so there is no proof. The last problem is that the contractor did not acquire any outside sub-contractor or supplier to get a precise cost of the project rather than an estimate

Assignment 2-Francis Kwok

Francis Kwok
Arch 4861- Professional Practice
February 12, 2019

Never have I thought about becoming a license Architect until after freshmen year of college. This road will lead me to many more opportunities. I want to open up my own firm one day and design what I want the future to be. Being known in the industry in which people validate what I have worked so hard for is something I truly desire. Yes, there are many obstacles in my way but it still leads me one way or another to become a license Architect. Working in the office isn’t the only thing I desire as I am an hands on person so learning the construction side of things is a great opportunity to connect with many more people and can help me take another big step in my career. It is a lot of responsibility and hard work to become a license Architect but I will take on this hard obstacle to achieve what I want and what makes my family proud. You know what they say, “Dream big or go home.”

Assignment 1- Francis Kwok

Francis Kwok
Arch 4861- Professional Practice
February 5, 2019

When I was young; I never thought I would get into architecture. The choices I planned for myself were police, military, or accounting but from my parents; they wanted me to be a doctor. It was senior year of high school that I knew that majoring in accounting was something I really want in my future but something more hands on instead which brought me to architecture. There was times where I thought that architecture wasn’t for me during college even though for the first time, I actually tried my hardest in something and enjoyed it. I have a huge future planned for myself since I want to work hard now and play later. The things I learn at NYCCT help me think differently in many aspects like the world and my future goals.

My future plan is going for Masters in Architecture in a year then possible coming back to New York City College of Technology for construction management. I was also thinking about minoring in business whether it is during my construction management year or while I am working and not going to school anymore since I also want to get into real estate development and open up my own firm. Later as I get older and get my architecture license, I actually want to come back to teach students since it is also another way of learning new things. I love designing in all aspect even the technical part but even though I live in New York City all the time; I prefer residential house rather than skyscrapers. The architecture style I see myself during is like a mix of modern and traditional Japanese architecture whether it is for skyscrapers or houses. I want all my designs to be sustainability as well as LEED which will help with a greener planet as well as; push the world to new and innovative technology which continues to change and advance each day that passes.