Resources for Research

As you prepare for your final research papers, I’ll be posting links to Internet sources you might find useful, either in themselves, or as sources for additional research.

Jacob Riis Photographs Still Revealing New York’s Other Half – NY Times

Jane Jacobs vs. Robert Moses – WNYC

Lawsuit Over New York Police Surveillance of Muslims Is Revived – NY Times

Oh, Gentrification: Latino Neighborhoods That Are Now Too Pricey

Welcome to English Comp II!

This blog is your go-to place for course readings, syllabus, discussion topics, links, student writing––and anything you want to add to make this a more engaging, student-centered learning environment.

Please make sure you check in at least once before each class meeting so you have up-to-date information about class readings and discussions. Any changes to the course schedule will also be posted here on the syllabus.