Assignment K – Project 02 Reflection

Assignment K – Project 02 Reflection      
  • In this Project 02 final presentation I learned a lot involving many of the aspects with the site. Starting from the diagrammatic analysis really gave me a sense of what will be the reasons surrounding why we position things the way we do. The process including a grid which gave the house more of a meaning and understanding the functionality throughout the house guided me to my final result? While I managed to achieve good comments, the feedback was mostly focused on the site plan which needed to back up your house design by showing a connection to both. Overall what I will do to improve my work is focused on how can my site provide me information to guide me through my design process, with the site & climate analysis it will give me my reasons why things are the way they are. Also having a structural format/grid to give me a path, is something that I will use to benefit my future designs.