Life in a Day

The assignment is a video titled “Life in a Day,” which illustrates a specific theme throughout the duration of one day. For this assignment, I collected relevant footage that made connection to the specific theme chosen. As a result, the footage was edited and displayed as a video in the ePortfolio. The theme chosen for this project is “Happiness”. I chose this topic because I wanted to show the world that happiness could be found at any given time, place, or any where in the world.  It is not required to have an appointment to be happy, or have something planned in order to display happiness.  On the other hand, we must begin to value and enjoy every beautiful moments that life gives us because happiness is priceless.



The preproduction was basic and straightforward because the objective was to be produce something creative without many lines or patterns to follow. Essentially, the only rule to follow was record and collect footage of happy moments.  For this purpose, the goal was to catch children, adults, or animals in moments of happiness. The angle of the camera was insignificant, the position of people was not required, and even special light was not necessary, as long as, happiness was captured. The video had to be something original and following the theme; I remember, the night before the recording, I went to sleep thinking that the next day was going to be me on the search for happiness. The truth is that I found what I was searching for within the people who I am surrounded by.  The accompanied music I created through Garage Band and iMovie programs stimulated the feeling of happiness.  Meanwhile, I did find a great song on YouTube for my project, but being aware of the rights of author and copyrights, I did not want to have any legal problems.  As a result, I decided to create my own song, which ended up being better because it enliven the theme of happiness.

The only obstacle I came across during this assignment was that I wanted to record my teammates scoring a goal and this was not a guarantee.  In the end, everything went as desired, I even obtained the goal with a celebration.  Another obstacle that came up during the production was with respect to time.  The assignment description was to choose one day to designate as a recording session from morning to evening.  This was a bit of a challenge because I was not certain if footage of “happiness” could be record or if there would enough clips to be used.  The result of the production was satisfactory after all. Plus, when you do something you love it is easy and finding happiness in every moment I learned was not too difficult. After all, I was being happy on my searching for happiness.

You can watch the  video by following the link below

Life in a Day: Happiness