WanShan Liang’s Profile

Hotel Management, Front Desk Agent
My Courses
This course will examine urban tourism as a vehicle of urban renewal and economic regeneration. The roles of government, business, and the community will be explored as well as issues of development, management, the environment and social equity. New York City and Brooklyn will be evaluated as models for the development, challenges and opportunities of urban tourism.
Composition II-ENG 1121-5441: Reading, Revision, Rhetoric
English 1121 continues the work we began in English 1101. We will work on developing critical reading and writing skills as we write about works of literature. We will discuss four literary genres: non-fiction essays, the short story, the novel, and drama. Assignments will require students to write in different styles such as summary, citation, exposition, analysis, and research. In addition, we will utilize a new digital platform called OpenLab, which will help us to engage with each other’s writing and world outside of the classroom.
HMGT 2308 Professional Alliances
HMGT 2308 Professional Alliances 2 cl hrs, 2 cr The critical role of networking in the hospitality industry and its relation to individual professional development and career goals are explored. Focus on interviewing techniques, preparation of resume and cover letter, development of e-portfolio, and the essentials of business etiquette Prerequisites: HMGT 1105, HMGT 1202
My Projects
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My Clubs
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