vivian wong’s Profile

Active 2 years, 6 months ago
vivian wong
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vivian wong
Major Program of Study

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This course connects the science of Biology with the issues, problems and promises created by that science. We will explore the connection between the science of Biology and the real world issues, for example how global warming affects flooding and droughts as well as how both fields ask effective questions.



This course connects the science of Biology with the issues, problems and promises created by that science. We will explore the connection between the science of Biology and the real world issues, for example how global warming affects flooding and droughts as well as how both fields ask effective questions.

Bio1101 General Biology I

Bio1101 General Biology I

Biology 1101 is an introductory Biology course. It focuses on the fundamental principles of biology, including taxonomy, structure, reproduction, heredity, development and evolution. Since Biology is governed by Chemistry, a large emphasis will be placed on basic Chemistry early in the course. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will become conversant on the following topics: 1. The Scientific Method and general scientific inquiry 2. General Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 3. Biochemical make-up of organisms (specifically Biological Macromolecules) 4. Organization of cells and classification of organisms based on cellular complexity and organization 5. Energy, energy production and utilization 6. Reproduction 7. Inheritance 8. Molecular Biology (DNA, gene function, gene regulation) 9. Biotechnology and Genomics The Laboratory associated with this course is meant to reinforce the concepts learned in the lecture and to provide hands-on experience in scientific inquiry and exploration. From the laboratory component, we will better understand data acquisition and data analysis. Most importantly, communication of the findings in the lab will demonstrate the full understanding of learned concepts.

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OpenStax Biology

OpenStax Biology

OpenStax Biology Reading Supplement

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