Vincent Tam’s Profile

Active 4 years, 6 months ago
Vincent Tam
Display Name
Vincent Tam
Major Program of Study

I am Chinese and I am a gifter on ( (
I make a lot of Chinese and American friends there.
You can make some friends too.
Message me through the email you want to contact me.
Instagram: animeme_v

My Courses

HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

HIS1111 US History after 1865 Spring 2020

This course will acquaint students with the major debates, issues and problems in U.S. history since the end of the Civil War. Topics included Reconstruction, immigration; progressive reform; women’s suffrage; the rise of consumer society; labor movements and radicalism; the Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War; the civil rights movement; Vietnam and the counterculture of the 1960s.

Blain ENG1101, SP2020

Blain ENG1101, SP2020

This first year composition class focuses on the reading, writing, and thinking skills that you’ll be able to transfer to other courses and to writing at home and in the workplace.

My Projects

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My Clubs

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