Sinetie’s Profile

Active 6 years, 9 months ago
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Major Program of Study
Academic interests


Sinetie shavana croal

My Courses

ENG1101-D355 Comp. 1, SP2017

ENG1101-D355 Comp. 1, SP2017

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

My Projects

Read Ahead

Read Ahead

Read Ahead ignites a love of reading in young students through mentoring, improving their confidence as well as their odds for success in school and life. By facilitating reading-based mentoring programs in New York City public schools, Read Ahead helps students master literacy and life. City Tech students, faculty, and staff are welcome to volunteer to read to a student at PS 297.

My Clubs

Seekers Christian Fellowship

Seekers Christian Fellowship

We are a non-denominational Christian fellowship of campus students,faculty and/or staff. Our aim is to help fellow students meet their spiritual needs in Christ through prayer, worship and bible studies. Encouraging each one to seek their own personal relationship with God, guiding and teaching also on the importance of the Bible through faith and fellowship.Open to anyone who has questions and/or wants to know more about God. For Freely we have received grace, and freely we wish to give it as well.