SadiaMahzabin’s Profile
Computer Science, Physics, Art, English, Math
My Courses
This course introduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to computer science, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further work. Topics include functions, relations, sets, simple proof techniques, Boolean algebra, propositional logic, elementary number theory, writing, analyzing and testing algorithms.
My Projects
SadiaMahzabin hasn't created or joined any projects yet.
My Clubs
City Tech Women Engineers Club
The mission of the City Tech Women Engineers Club is to promote awareness and interest in improving the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of women in the technology programs at New York City College of Technology, as well as develop leadership skills through workshops, seminars and student collaboration. lnstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Engineering (WIE) student branch at CityTech invites all interested students to join the Openlab club. Joining IEEE WIE student chapter is optional. We provide support, information and resources to all members to help them succeed in their engineering technology field of interest.
SadiaMahzabin's Friends
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