Ryan’s Profile

Active 9 years, 8 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests

Game Design

X (formerly Twitter)

My Courses

MTEC2250 Tangible Media Skills

MTEC2250 Tangible Media Skills

In this course students will spend the semester designing and building a prototype. The class is broken up to 3 sections: 3D Design and Production, Electronics, and PCB design. In the 3D Design section, students will be introduced to fabrication and modeling using 123D Design and Inkscape. They will fabricate their designs using laser cutters and 3D Printers. In the next section, we will be using PIC microcontroller to add interaction to our prototypes. Finally, we will transfer our circuits from our breadboard to a PCB. We will use the EagleCAM software to design our board, which we will then get printed. At the end of the semester students will have produce a full working prototype with an enclosure, functioning electronics, and assembled PCB board.



The goal of this course is to let students experiment and create electronic circuits and 3D prints. The class is divided into two main topics: Electronics and 3D Printing. Each topic while have several modules. After each module students will have created a circuit, model, or 3D print. Students will be introduced how to create physical interfaces by learning how to program the Arduino micro controller. They will learn how to use sensors to translate physical interaction to output a sensory experience. Finally, they will design and print 3D models. Students will learn basic fabrication,modeling techniques, and processes used in 3D printing. Then they will learn how to create models using Blender and learn how to print them.

My Projects

The Assignment Killer

The Assignment Killer

If you’re like me and you don’t like homework and or any assignments that require you to complete them outside of school, brace yourselves for whats to come. With the Assignment Killer anybody is able to get any work done in a matter of minutes. Simply just print your name on the screen so that the computer recongnizes your handwriting, then simply place the assignment details in the machine and in a breif moment the machine kills another assignment by completing it for you, in a way that you would’ve done it!

Ryan’s Final Project

Ryan’s Final Project

Final Project

My Clubs

Ryan hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.