Rosalie Ruiz’s Profile

Active 9 years, 6 months ago
1 to 4 (of 4)

Graphic Principles 1 ADV 1100

Desiree Alvarez
Communication D...|ADV 1100|Spring 2014

This hands on mixed media course explores the basic principles of design and develops fluency in the visual lexicon.

COMD2327 Typography 2

Jenna Lucente
Communication D...|COMD2327|Spring 2015

Design superstars at Citytech learning how to use Typography to create effective design and communications

GRA 2330 Digital Photography Thursday Fall 2014

Communication D...|GRA 2330|Fall 2014

This course will explore the foundational concepts of light and exposure in photography. Students will develop visual literacy as well as framing and compositional skills. Students will become acquainted with a […]

GRA 1111 D306 Graphic Communications Workshop

Prof. Kubis
Communication D...|GRA 1111|Spring 2014

A visual and technological adventure exploring the known and unknown universe of Graphic Communications. Our exploration will begin with a review of the history of communications looking to ancient civilizations […]