Ricardo.C98’s Profile

Active 6 years, 1 months ago
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Major Program of Study

My Courses

ENG 1121 D424 Spring 2017

ENG 1121 D424 Spring 2017

Be articulate. Be persuasive. Believe in yourself and your ability to acquire and share knowledge. In this course, we foster strong and confident writers who know how to read critically and articulate their opinions simply and clearly.

1101 Introduction to Psychology

1101 Introduction to Psychology

This is an introductory level course in psychology.

ARCH2321 History of Architecture: from 1900 to Present, FA 2018

ARCH2321 History of Architecture: from 1900 to Present, FA 2018

This course explores current architectural design from both critical and historical perspectives. The course begins with an analysis of the roots of modernism and traces the development of architectural theory, technology and design through the twentieth century with a focus on new architecture.

ENG1101 Composition I, Fall2016, MELGARD

ENG1101 Composition I, Fall2016, MELGARD

English 1101: Composition I, Sections D342 + D413, Fall 2016, Instructed by Holly Melgard

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