Rchar’s Profile

Active 6 years, 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Entertainment Technology
Academic interests

learning new ways of using new software and technology for visual arts


My name is Ryan I’m a junior here at citytech. I’m not sure what i should write about so ill start by saying i don’t like to talk about myself…I have seldom experience with computers and media besides microsoft word and excel.Im also an artist so to speak so i use programs such as manga art studio and sketchbook. I also am currently learning to use java and plan on moving on to ruby over rails i believe its called. looking to explore everything i can get my hands on

My Courses

MTEC3230, Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds, SP2018

MTEC3230, Mixed Reality for Immersive Worlds, SP2018

This course will explore the new frontier of virtual, augmented and mixed reality across different market sectors. Students will experiment with designing and developing game-based and interactive projects employing AR, VR, wearables, IoT, and machine learning for mobile, web and console environments. Students will learn the fundamentals of Unity development, 3D modeling, stereoscopic perception and experiential design in the context of storytelling and content creation specific to these emerging forms. Students will work in small teams on collaborative projects with the latest head-mounted and sensor technology.

MTEC 2210, Game Design & Interactive Media, 2017

MTEC 2210, Game Design & Interactive Media, 2017

This course offers a cross-disciplinary foundation for the design of games and interactive multi-media technology for artists, engineers, scientists and technologists. Students will learn human-centered design principles and apply these methodologies to collaborative team-based projects across web interactive, mobile, games, virtual & augmented reality, biomedia and environmental installation. Using case studies, brainstorming processes, and rapid analog and digital prototyping, students learn design thinking and problem-solving techniques to enhance usability, incorporate sensory experience, influence perception, increase appeal, and make more effective interactive design decisions.

MTEC 3125 Non-Linear Narrative

MTEC 3125 Non-Linear Narrative

hrough the examination of the earliest gestures of cave drawings to sophisticated multimedia narratives, students study the ingredients and structures necessary for compelling digital storytelling. Through hands-on projects, students produce visual, auditory, written, physical and integrated sequences using video, sound, music, text, animation, web, mobile, games & the internet of things.

IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015

IMT1101 Emerging Media Foundations SP2015

An introduction to interactive multimedia technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project based, cooperative learning. Attendees will be immersed in the protocols and processes of the design process: ideation, presentation, dissemination, prototyping, and production. Participants will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, tactile and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, and online documentation of work produced. This course provides a foundational structure necessary for working in the the highly interdisciplinary media technology field. This course lays the foundation for work and research practices that the will be expected to follow in the rest of the academic career and in the workplace.

MTECH1005 Tangible Media FA2015

MTECH1005 Tangible Media FA2015

The goal of this course is to let students experiment and create electronic circuits and 3D prints. The class is divided into two main topics: Electronics and 3D Printing. Each topic while have several modules. After each module students will have created a circuit, model, or 3D print. Students will be introduced how to create physical interfaces by learning how to program the Arduino micro controller. They will learn how to use sensors to translate physical interaction to output a sensory experience. Finally, they will design and print 3D models. Students will learn basic fabrication,modeling techniques, and processes used in 3D printing. Then they will learn how to create models using Blender and learn how to print them.

My Projects

Guitar Build

Guitar Build

This project is one section of the Technical Production courses.

My Clubs

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

The Computer Systems Technology (CST) Colloquium is dedicated to providing the students, staff, and faculty of New York City College of Technology, the City University of New York, and the greater public with access to information regarding the latest developments in computing from both a research and industrial perspective. We strive to schedule speakers that have a prominent influence in the computing field and that can engage our audience to have a deeper understanding and passion for computers, software engineering, programming languages, networks, and other topics.

City Tech Printmaking Club

City Tech Printmaking Club

This club is open to all City Tech students, but was originally conceived for the students of the Advertising Design & Graphic Arts (ADGA) Department. We have formed to help bring traditional printmaking techniques back into the general awareness of our members in order to ground them more fully in the philosophy and heritage of graphic arts design and production. We work to offer informative lectures, presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations, and field trips for our students to explore all forms of printmaking, including but not limited to screenprint, relief, lithography, and intaglio.