Puja Roy’s Profile

Active 1 years, 8 months ago
Puja Roy
Display Name
Puja Roy
Major Program of Study
Computer Engineering Technology
Academic interests

Computer Engineering


I am a senior attending City Tech.

My Courses

Puja Roy hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

Puja Roy hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can hang out and have fun.

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

Computer Systems Technology Colloquium

The Computer Systems Technology (CST) Colloquium is dedicated to providing the students, staff, and faculty of New York City College of Technology, the City University of New York, and the greater public with access to information regarding the latest developments in computing from both a research and industrial perspective. We strive to schedule speakers that have a prominent influence in the computing field and that can engage our audience to have a deeper understanding and passion for computers, software engineering, programming languages, networks, and other topics.

Computer Information Association

Computer Information Association

The Computer is a student organization that provides a creative and safe learning environment where college students majoring in computer related courses and/or interested in computers and technology, work together with other students to explore their own ideas, develop skills, and build confidence in themselves through the use of technology. The computer club plan and organize projects and activities with the purpose of enhance technical skills and knowledge outside the classrooms and develop team work skills and interpersonal communications among the club members. Members will learn to appreciate and enjoy a variety of software applications and technologies including such technologies as web design, programming, networks, video games design, phone application design and multimedia presentations. Meeting dates and time: Thursdays 12:45-2:15 pm Meeting Location: N906 Phone Number: (347) 699-CLUB (2582) Email: computerclubcitytech@gmail.com

IEEE Club @ CityTech

IEEE Club @ CityTech

We welcome the CityTech community to learn and grow in the areas of electrical and telecommunications technology. Every semester we provide a series of seminars with speakers that present the latest research. In addition, various workshops are also provided.

City Tech Women Engineers Club

City Tech Women Engineers Club

The mission of the City Tech Women Engineers Club is to promote awareness and interest in improving the enrollment, retention and graduation rates of women in the technology programs at New York City College of Technology, as well as develop leadership skills through workshops, seminars and student collaboration. lnstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Women in Engineering (WIE) student branch at CityTech invites all interested students to join the Openlab club. Joining IEEE WIE student chapter is optional. We provide support, information and resources to all members to help them succeed in their engineering technology field of interest.