Nagid’s Profile

Active 2 years, 11 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Hospitality Management
Academic interests



i really enjoy reading one of my favorite books is the alchemist and I like to take walks daily in manhattan to see if anything fun is happening.

My Courses

Candies and Bonbons

Candies and Bonbons

HMGT elective for pastry focused majors, Exploration of all styles of candy making and chocolate work.



An overview of the history, likely directions and organizational structure of the hospitality industry and its role in local, national and global economies. Students are introduced to the nature and scope of the hospitality industry, basic terminology, management concepts, career path explorations and the departmentā€™s mission and culture.

Confectionery Spring 2020

Confectionery Spring 2020

a course for students to explore the techniques behind creating a showpiece out of chocolate and sugar.

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2019

ENG 2400 Films from Literature Fall 2019

This is a course comparing motion pictures to their literary source stories. D550 Fridays 11:30 – 2:00 This course will allow students to examine the relationship between film and their literary sources. Through classroom discussions and out-of-class assignments, students will analyze classic and contemporary literary texts and their cinematic versions. Students will examine the relationship between film and literature, with specific focus on the techniques used in fiction, drama and film and the influences of censorship and society. Students will focus on the similarities and differences of literary works adapted into films.



Marketing principles

My Projects

Nagid hasn't created or joined any projects yet.

My Clubs

The Ambassadors Club

The Ambassadors Club

The mission of the Ambassadors Club is to provide opportunities for student officers to learn and hone leadership skills, with an emphasis on event planning and event management. The Club will apply the skills they have acquired, and act as good will ambassadors for the college and the HMGT department. The Ambassadors will assist in the planning of, and be present at, selected events sponsored by the HMGT Department, with the intent of fostering and supporting a welcoming and professional environment.

Nagid's Friends

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